“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;” - Psalm 104:14

Lavender-Infused Witch Hazel Toner - 2 fl oz, 4 fl oz, Natural Skincare, Setting Spray, Natural Astringent, Acne, Spider Veins

Regular price $12.00

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Lavender and witch hazel are natural astringents which contain anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Both have been used for centuries to naturally help heal a host of ailments, such as acne, skin sores, bruises, redness and swelling, psoriasis, eczema, oily skin, insect bites, poison ivy, irritated scalp, sun damage and razor burn.

Lavender-Infused Witch Hazel Toner was formulated to calm, soothe, and nourish the skin, clean and tighten pores, brighten and even out skin tone, reduce puffiness in the under eye area, and improve the appearance of spider veins, as well as, varicose veins.
May also be used as a setting spray and as a refreshing facial mist.

Witch Hazel contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and astringent properties and is beneficial for all skin types. Historically it been used for a variety of issues, including balancing oily skin, clearing acne, healing bruises, cuts and scrapes, relieving bug bites, stings, and burns, shrinking varicose veins and hemorrhoids, minimizing the appearance of puffy under eye bags, eczema and psoriasis.

Lavender has a multitude of therapeutic properties which are beneficial to the skin. Some benefits include cleaning and tightening pores, regulating oil production and balancing pH, calming and soothing redness and inflammation, boosting hydration, increasing circulation and stimulating cellular rejuvenation, tightening skin and smoothing out fine lines. Lavender is beneficial for all skin types.

Sweet Lavandin is a unique, naturally-occurring hybrid that combines the calm of True Lavender with the clarity of Spike Lavender. As a  natural hybrid, it shares many of the same therapeutic benefits as True Lavender, with the exception of True Lavender's burn-healing capabilities. Benefits include reducing anxiety, cleansing impurities, regulating oil production, balancing pH, calming and soothing redness and inflammation, boosting hydration, increasing circulation, stimulating cellular rejuvenation, tightening and toning skin and smoothing out fine lines. Lavandin contains cicatrizant properties, which speeds up the fading of scars/marks on the skin and also promotes the growth of new tissues in the affected areas.

2 fl oz
4 fl oz

Ingredients: Witch Hazel (14% alcohol) infused with Lavender Buds, Sweet Lavandin Essential Oil